13 jan. 2011

A Productive Day

I feel so relieved. so relieved. My visit to the American Embassy went well, in spite of the missing paper from the "lazy-not-being-able-to-make-a-decision"-people at CSN. Although, I must say that the whole experience is a bit ironic when I consider all the gladiator fights with bureaucracy I have put myself through to even come through the door (and make serious discussion with all the security guards about whether the print on my scarf was leopard or cheetah??), only to find myself (after about an hour in the waiting room) at the counter for approximately 1 minute:

'Ms Jannika Timander to counter F, please'

"Good morning"
"Good morning"
"First, we will need your fingerprints, if you can start with your left hand please"
(I had studied the instructions of how to do this at the wall for the past hour, so I felt quite confident)
"Thank you. And the right one please"
"And then the thumbs, please"
"Try again, and please make sure that they are in the light"
(Can't believe I got it wrong...)
"Thank you"
"Ok, Jannika, what will you be studying at The City College?"
"9 credits Master courses during the semester, followed by a 6 credit Honors Research project during the summer"
(She quickly flicks through my papers and type something ridiculously fast on her computer)
"Have you received money from CSN the whole time whilst studying at KTH?"
"Yes, I have"
"Allright then, everything seems to be in order. We will send your passport back to you within a week."
"Oh, ok, perfect, that wasn't to hard"
"No, I know, it usually isn't, but some people get very nervous coming here. Just remember to bring your DS (referring to the most important paper I have ever had) with you when you travel, they usually want to see that"
"Thank you very much. Have a good day"

That was it. After all this time and effort. That was it. Irony.

Leaving the embassy I saw the stars and stripes in front of me whilst happy bubbles jumped around in my belly. Millions of them. Awesome. AWESOME!

It was only just after 11 A.M. when I left the embassy, and I felt like I had already accomplished so much. And I moved on in the same productive manner. First, I went to the bank to cash in a check for 6000 SEK (which I finally received from KTH as a financial contribution for flight tickets). Second, I actually spent the money on what I was supposed to and bought flight tickets. I am leaving next sunday on the 23rd of january. The countdown begins, 10 days to go!! It feels surreal, but it feels surreal in a fantastic way! Third, I called Tele 2 (the company responsible for my mobile phone subscription) and got them to put my subscription "on hold" whilst I am in NYC, starting the 1st of february. YEY again. Everything seems like it is falling into place. Only the little devils at CSN remain (anecdote: Student festival in my hometown Lund. A parade where students dressed up as devils, all 'named' CSN. You never get tired of hating on them a little bit, or making fun of them for that matter. Very amazing job, students in Lund. Very!). If they would only be so kind as to provide me with a decision. Please?? Fucking hurry up!

Tonight, I will be celebrating my accomplishments of today with a beer, or three, at the pub Queen's head with all my best lady friends here in Stockholm.

///Yan (definitely soon) in the Apple

Also, my best friend Josie (whom reads a lot of blogs) gave me a piece of advice: mix images with text (with emphasis on the images) to make your blog better. I am taking that advice (I intend to inform an amuse my readers, not bore them). So here are some pictures from the flat I will be occupying, starting 10 days from now (3153 Broadway):

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